Professor Ludwig Armbruster * 1928 †︎ 2021 Representative of the Church, Emigrant, A 1948 – 1989 emigrant/refugee, Boy Scouts, Scientist and 1 more categories 29. 9. 1938 - The Munich Diktat, 12. 3. 1938 - "Anschluss" of Austria, 1941 - 1945 - Transports to the concentration camps, 27. 5. 1942 - Assassination of R. Heydrich, 8. 5. 1945 - End of WWII and 1 more anniversaries
Stanislav Bělík * 1919 Forced labour during the WW2, Sokol, Witnesses of local events connected to WWII, Witness of local events from the Communist era 15. 3. 1939 - The Nazi occupation of ČSR, 1. 9. 1939 - The outbreak of the WW2, 25. 2. 1948 - Communist coup d‘état in ČSR, 1944 - 1945 - The liberation of Czechoslovakia, 17. 11. 1939 – Closure of Czech universities and 3 more anniversaries
PhDr. Věra Bezecná * 1922 National minorities, Déclassé, Repatriated, Sokol, Witnesses of local events connected to WWII and 2 more categories 8. 5. 1945 - End of WWII, 8. 9. 1948 – Funeral of President Edvard Beneš, 12. 3. 1938 - "Anschluss" of Austria
Jozef Cerina * 1931 Participant in Czechoslovak resistance during WW2, Person who lived in South Slovakia after the First Vienna Award 1938 - 1945 15. 3. 1939 - The Nazi occupation of ČSR, 1. 9. 1939 - The outbreak of the WW2, 1941 - 1945 - Transports to the concentration camps, 12. 3. 1938 - "Anschluss" of Austria, 2.11.1938 - First Vienna Award (Hungarian annexation of Carpathian Ruthenia and South Slovakia)
Marta Charvátová * 1926 Prisoner of a Nazi concentration camp, Holocaust, Relative of a political prisoner, Hidden people, Failed attempt if illegal border crossing 29. 8. 1944 - April 1945 - The Slovak National Uprising, 21. 8. 1968 - Invasion of the Warsaw Pact troops, 17. 11. - 29. 12. 1989 - The Velvet Revolution in Czechoslovakia, 1941 - 1945 - Transports to the concentration camps, 1945 - The liberation of the concentration camps and 2 more anniversaries
Ing. Dalibor Coufal * 1930 †︎ 2020 Victim of forced relocation, PTP (Auxiliary Technical Battalions), Sokol 29. 9. 1938 - The Munich Diktat, 12. 3. 1938 - "Anschluss" of Austria, 15. 3. 1939 - The Nazi occupation of ČSR, 1. 9. 1939 - The outbreak of the WW2, 27. 5. 1942 - Assassination of R. Heydrich and 4 more anniversaries
Albertina Farská * 1921 †︎ 2021 Theresienstadt Ghetto, Holocaust, Prisoner of the Auschwitz concentration camp, Prisoner of a Nazi concentration camp 12. 3. 1938 - "Anschluss" of Austria, 15. 3. 1939 - The Nazi occupation of ČSR, 1941 - 1945 - Transports to the concentration camps, 24. 11. 1941 - The first transport to the Theresienstadt, Death marches 1944-1945 and 2 more anniversaries
Ludmila Fialová * 1933 National minorities, Re-emigration of Czechs after 1945, Repatriated 17. 11. - 29. 12. 1989 - The Velvet Revolution in Czechoslovakia, 1944 - 1945 - The liberation of Czechoslovakia, 14. 3. 1939 – The foundation of the Slovak State, 12. 3. 1938 - "Anschluss" of Austria
Antonie Fryštacká * 1924 †︎ 2019 Member of Orel, Internační tábor Svatobořice u Kyjova, Forced labour during the WW2, Witnesses of local events connected to WWII, Witness of local events from the Communist era and 1 more categories 21. 8. 1968 - Invasion of the Warsaw Pact troops, 25. 2. 1948 - Communist coup d‘état in ČSR, 8. 5. 1945 - End of WWII, 30. 5. 1953 – 3. 6. 1953 – The monetary reform and subsequent public upheaval, 1945 - 1947 Expulsion of Germans from former German East territories and 5 more anniversaries
Hana Fuchs Krása * 1923 †︎ 2015 Theresienstadt Ghetto, Holocaust, Israel/Palestine 29. 9. 1938 - The Munich Diktat, 12. 3. 1938 - "Anschluss" of Austria, 8. 5. 1945 - End of WWII