Albert Iser * 1946 National minorities, Victim of forced relocation, Sudeten Germans, Witness of local events from the Communist era 30. 5. 1945 – 29. 10. 1946 - Expulsion of Germans from Czechoslovakia, 21. 8. 1968 - Invasion of the Warsaw Pact troops
Anita Alblová * 1936 Emigrant, National minorities, Victim of forced relocation, Re-emigration of Czechs after 1945, Sudeten Germans and 2 more categories 21. 8. 1968 - Invasion of the Warsaw Pact troops, 30. 5. 1945 – 29. 10. 1946 - Expulsion of Germans from Czechoslovakia
Antoni Aleksandrowicz * 1928 Poland, Victim of forced relocation, The Partisan, Poles living in Kresy (Poland´s Eastern Borderlands), Member of Polish Home Army (Armia Krakowa, AK) and 4 more categories 17.9.1939 - Soviet invasion of Poland , 22. 6. 1941 – Operation Barbarossa - Nazi attack on the USSR, 20. 6. - 29. 8. 1944 - Operation Bagration
Marie Antošová * 1932 National minorities, Relatives of important personalities, Examinee of the State Secret Police – enemy person, Underage political prisoners, Victim of forced relocation and 5 more categories 29. 9. 1938 - The Munich Diktat, 30. 5. 1945 – 29. 10. 1946 - Expulsion of Germans from Czechoslovakia, 18. 4. - 10. 5. 1945 - osvobození západní části ČSR americkou armádou
Soňa Antošová * 1937 Victim of forced relocation, Sudeten Germans, Witnesses of local events connected to WWII, Witness of local events from the Communist era 29. 9. 1938 - The Munich Diktat, 30. 5. 1945 – 29. 10. 1946 - Expulsion of Germans from Czechoslovakia, 8. 5. 1945 - End of WWII, 25. 2. 1948 - Communist coup d‘état in ČSR, 21. 8. 1968 - Invasion of the Warsaw Pact troops and 1 more anniversaries
Gottfried Bach * 1940 National minorities, Victim of forced relocation, Sudeten Germans, Witnesses of local events connected to WWII, Austria 30. 5. 1945 – 29. 10. 1946 - Expulsion of Germans from Czechoslovakia, 1989 - The fall of the iron curtain
Zuzana Bacigálová * 1930 Relative of a political prisoner, Victim of persecution due the forced agricultural collectivisation, Victim of forced relocation 1989 - The fall of the iron curtain, 1948 - 1955 - Politic lawsuit in the Stalin age
Emil Baierl * 1933 Illegal border crossing, National minorities, Victim of forced relocation, Memory of vanished settlements, Sudeten Germans and 2 more categories 30. 5. 1945 – 29. 10. 1946 - Expulsion of Germans from Czechoslovakia, 1989 - The fall of the iron curtain
Gabriela Bairova-Stoyanova * 1955 National minorities, Relative of a political prisoner, Victim of forced relocation, Bulgaria 1989 - The fall of the iron curtain, 10.11.1989 - The Transition from communism to democracy in Bulgaria