Boy Scouts
Articles (744)
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Ing. Pavol Abrhan
* 1959
RNDr., CSc. Adolf Absolon
* 1937
Boy Scouts, Scientist, Artists, A cultural celebrity, Witnesses of local events connected to WWII
and 1 more categories
Zdeněk Adamec
* 1934 †︎ 2017
Martin Adámek
* 1958
Marie Adlerová
* 1931
Věra Albrechtová
* 1932
Giora Amir
* 1928
National minorities, Holocaust, Israel/Palestine, Boy Scouts, A 1948 – 1989 emigrant/refugee
and 4 more categories
Jiří Anderle
* 1936
Professor Ludwig Armbruster
* 1928 †︎ 2021
Representative of the Church, Emigrant, A 1948 – 1989 emigrant/refugee, Boy Scouts, Scientist
and 1 more categories