The headmaster visited my mum a few times, she used to say Stop speaking polish at home! Speak just Russian because the kids can’t not only read and write, but even speak Russian good enough

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He was born on 4 June, 1929 in Albertyn near Słonim. His father came from Częstochowa, he moved to Polesie to search a job. The father and the oldest of Wiktor Mostek’s sister were executed by the Germans during the war, whilst her brother died of fatal wounds. Wiktor Mostek in his early age took the responsibilities over the farm and had to look after his mother and sister. He completed secondary school and graduated in the Melioration Academy after the war. His whole life, he worked as a Melioration engineer. He is now retired. For over two years, he was a president of the Association of the Poles in Pińsk an he set up the Polish Educational society here. He still lives in Pińsk.