5. 4. 1968 – Formation of KAN (Club of Active Non-partisans)
5. 4. 1968
Articles (46)
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Ludmila Čechová
* 1945
Albert Antonín Černý
* 1937
Libuše Chourová
* 1924
František Cigánek
* 1930 †︎ 2017
Jan Doskočil
* 1942 †︎ 2023
Ing. Jiří Dražil
* 1957
Lubomír Dvořák
* 1930
Illegal border crossing, The relative of a political prisoner, PTP (Auxiliary Technical Battalions), Boy Scouts, Sokol
and 3 more categories
Ing. Martin Dvořák
* 1956
Diplomat, Dissident, Politician, Boy Scouts, Witnesses of local events connected to WWII
and 1 more categories