Witnesses starting with letter H
780 witnesses
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Karel Habal
* 1950
5. 1. - 21. 8. 1968 - The Prague Spring, 21. 8. 1968 - Invasion of the Warsaw Pact troops, 21. – 28.3.1969 – Disorders related to the celebration of Czech hockey team’s, 18. - 21. 8. 1969 – mass demonstrations against Soviet occupation, 21. 8. 1988 – 17. 11. 1989 – Street demonstrations against the communist regime and 2 more anniversaries
Václav Habart
* 1940
Vladimír Haber
* 1949
Otto Habermann
* 1928
Rudolf Hable
* 1947
Štefan Habovský
* 1930
Political prisoner in the 1950‘s (ČSR), PTP (Auxiliary Technical Battalions), Victims of church persecution in 1948-1989, Witnesses of local events connected to WWII, Svědci lokálních událostí z éry komunismu
29. 8. 1944 - April 1945 - The Slovak National Uprising, 21. 8. 1968 - Invasion of the Warsaw Pact troops, 17. 11. - 29. 12. 1989 - The Velvet Revolution in Czechoslovakia, 1944 - 1945 - The liberation of Czechoslovakia, 23. 2. 1949 – Beginning the forced agricultural collectivisation and 2 more anniversaries