I was fascinated by books by Foglar, they showed me the way

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Daniel Vychodil was born on June 27th 1973 in Chrudim. His parents, Jaroslav and Zdeňka Vychodil, were arrested shortly before his birth as they were caught smuggling banned books from Netherlands to Czechoslovakia. As a result his parents lost their jobs. Since he was twelve years old Daniel took interest in the Scout movement which was banned at that time. While studying at a gymnasium type secondary school in Chrudim he founded a club in Slatiňany with his friends based on the ideas of Scouting. Daniel was in touch with Jaroslav Foglar, a writer, and he was collecting Scouting books. The club found refuge in the chateau in Slatiňany and was operating legally as a part of the Union for Nature Conservation. In 1989 he was invited to a Communist party meeting to explain the club’s activities. He was spared further problems due to the Velvet Revolution which he joined as a Chrudim secondary school student going on strike. Right after that he joined the Scouting movement. In 1997 he graduated from a college of education and started working as a teacher at an elementary school in Slatiňany. For eight years he acted as the director of that school. After that he went on to teach at a Waldorf school in Pardubice. For eighteen years he was a leader of a Scout troop, in 1998 he had become a director of a Scout centre.