Captured by soldiers while fleeing from Poland to Bohemia, they escaped prison thanks to a bribe

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Hubert Krista was born on April 7, 1934 in Velká Čermná in Kłodzko, which was then Germany. His father was enlisted in the Wehrmacht and died in action in Romania. His mother had to start working at a tobacco factory to support the family. Hubert had to work for a local farmer during the last year of the war in order to bring more food on the family’s table. After the war, Kłodzko became a part of Poland and the Kristas, like many others, were to be resettled. They chose to flee to Bohemia before being sent into the unknown. The first attempted border-crossing did not work out, as they were captured by Polish soldiers who wanted to imprison them. A bribe ensured that they could go back home. However, that very night they tried to cross the border again, this time successfully. The beginnings in their new home were rough, the Czech state did not support the poor family in any way. After completing compulsory education, the witness worked as a construction worker. He later completed an apprenticeship and became a bricklayer. He carried on in this profession until his retirement. His sister emigrated to Germany, where he was able to visit her with his family in 1968. He had to report on his trip to the Local National Committee. He no longer visits his native village, as all his relatives and friends have left for Germany or the Czech Republic. In 2022, he lived in Bezděkov nad Metují, where he built a family house.