Zdenka Jurková

* 1933

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They died quickly, and they laid them out on the left side of the street

Zdenka Jurková in the year 2021
Zdenka Jurková in the year 2021
photo: Post Bellum

Zdenka Jurková, née Sekvencová, was born on the 12th of August 1933 in Rouchovany na Třebíčsku. She grew up in Moravský Krumlov, where her father Oldřich made his living as a roadmaster and her mother Hedvika took care of the household. After the occupation of the Sudetenland in the year 1938, the family moved to Třebíčsko – to Hrotovice, where Zdenka entered first grade. On the 8th of May 1945 a horrible tragedy took place in Hrotovice, where the Soviet air force bombed the civilians and its own soldiers gathered in the town square. Her father Oldřich died during the incident. The attack also claimed the life of the family friend Slávka Loucká, which they had employed as a maid during the war, to protect her from total mobilization in the Third Reich. After the war, Zdenka moved to Rouchovany with her mother and sister. Zdenka graduated from the high school of pedagogy in Třebíč and later from a university in Brno. She married Drahomír Jurka in the year 1957, who due to being the son of a kulak was interned with the auxiliary technical battalions (PTP) by Svatá Dobrotivá in Zaječov na Berounsku. Zdenka Jurková spent her whole professional life teaching; she taught biology and geography for more than three decades at the elementary school in Rouchovany. She retired in the year 1992. During the time of the filming (2021) she lived in her hometown of Rouchovany.