I could feel his squeeze weakening

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Antonie Cupalová, née Bílková, was born on 28 January 1922 in Volhynia, in the village of Krasilno, which was located near the later burnt down Český Malín. After tense moments in Volhynia, she decided to join the Czechoslovak Army in Lutsk in 1944. army. She joined the infirmary, then worked in the kitchen until she was allowed to join the medical battalion that was advancing behind the front line. She witnessed the death of a Red Army captain who offered to help her moments before he died. In the army she met her future husband, with whom she became pregnant at the end of the war. She spent the end of the war in Vrútky, Slovakia. At the time of filming (2005) she lived in Podbořany. She died on February 17, 2009.