Sr. Claudia Brajerová

* 1921  †︎ 2012

  • "We walked a little further and I say, you know what, I do not know how it's possible, but I received a letter today, and the letter was opened. They said that such was send to me. And I said: You shall know that, I have one head and I'm ready to sacrifice it to say that such a letter was not mailed to me. You always said that we are a free citizen, so why are you opening letters? We know that only the once to prisoners are being oppened, but when you have the right, apply anew and possibly write censored there. Well, of course it was an insult. In the morning he called provincial deputy. Well, sister went Ambrózia one sister superior and she soon couldn't sleep the whole night that Klaudia told her that she should open letter, Ambrose says, I'm surprised, but I ask you nicely, almost two weeks went that letter from Bratislava, from my nephew. Well, I was surprised I said. Well, she did not sleep all night. When she, sister Klaudia was daring, so we must take action. But she was not. When I said that, they knew what they where dealing with. Well then they wanted to talk to me in the office."

  • "But on one fine day he sent a janitor, that I do not have to bother to come to school. And I, at first, said thanks to the janitor who immediately dropped tears. For this, I thought something is wrong. So I went to the chapel, where I cried, then I went to Reverend Mother, I say that I do not know what it is, but the headmaster sent the janitor that I do not have to bother to school. She said she could go there in the afternoon to ask what it is if I'm not comfortable. Well I said, if I've done something wrong, so I have to endure, and if it's not, it's against the church. It's clear. Well, then I say it, but I would beg to go with me, so that I have witness. So we went. Sister went with me and we came there, so I just called the janitor, I said that Mr. Director for a moment in the corridor and I immediately wanted to arrange that. Headmaster just what I wanted, that if I've done something. "No sister, I was very happy, I was happy when you were here." He said that never he had to worry about that class if I have had an hour. But he said that there was a new regulation."

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    Vrícko, 04.05.2010

    duration: 01:32:25
    media recorded in project Witnesses of the Faith
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I pray! For everyone!

Sister Claudia - past
Sister Claudia - past

She was born 18. 4. 1921 Letanovce as the first of nine children.In September 1932 she began attending girls council school in Ves, which was led by the Daughters of the Divine Redeemer. At once she showed interest in consecrated life and signed up for the candidate. She was accepted by the Provincial Superior sr. M. Oktávia Majzonovo. She went on to study at high school (1936-1940). Received Religious robe, on 25 8th, 1940 in Ves and attended a novitiate in Raslavice. After completion of the novitiate, she studied at the Faculty of Philosophy in Bratislava (1941-1945). She had her first vows on 23. 8. 1942 in Raslavice. After passing the front in January 1945 she began to teach at a business school in Ves. In 1947, she spent some time studying in London. On 17. 8. 1947 she took perpetual vows in Levoca. In addition to service prefect candidates taught religion at the local municipal school (girls’ and boys) until 1950.On 29 8th 1950 she was with all the sisters who were concentrated in the Provincial house in Ves. On 27. 11. 1951 she was transferred to the concentration monastery in Modra and 18. 1. 1952 moved abroad. Since 30.4.1962 she worked in social care institutions for adults, on  3. 11. 1969 moved into institutions of social care for youth in Rohov, where she worked until 31 12. 1976In May 1975 she was appointed as superior at the local community in the Rohov and in August 1975 for provincial superior within Slovak Province Congregation of the Sisters of the Divine Redeemer. She remained in this service until February 1991.From 1.11. 2006 she worked in Vricko. From this community her Lord called to the eternal homeland.