František Bloudek

* 1947

  • “At times I experienced a strange situation… I returned home from work, had tickets for a concert, took a shower, changed my clothes, shaved and went to the tram. On the way I passed by a group of youngsters who could have been eighteen, and suddenly I heard from behind: ‘Did you see that faggot?’ In comparison with those carelessly dressed guys I was well groomed and smelled of perfume. And at that time there was a popular saying that a true man should smell of sweat, booze, smokes and to be smeared and unshaven. To the contrary, whenever a guy would shave, wash, dress nicely, he was becoming suspicious and was simply addressed as a homo, a faggot. I didn’t respond to the insult and just went on.”

  • “During one of my visits to Litoměřice, my mum was recalling her brother, saying: ‘Poor Fanda, he enjoyed nothing of life! So late had he married and so soon he had died.’ He got married at thirty-five… At that time I was already in my forties and was still living alone, so I objected: ‘You feel sorry for uncle that he got married late but don’t feel sorry for me?’ She just waved her hand: ‘But that’s a different thing!’ That was the end of it. She asked me nothing, explained nothing and I asked her nothing either. From that I gather that mother’s second husband who was a psychopath but no moron probably realized who I was.”

  • “I was fairly popular at work but an inconvenient thing had happened: I had an affair with one boy who was later diagnosed with syphilis. According to the law, every such person had to for reasons of prevention report to his general practitioner all his intimate contacts. The doctor’s office then called my employer, reached the director who was naturally curious about what’s happening. The doctor probably told him in full. On the grapevine, the whole bureau learned that I am gay. The atmosphere cooled down and darkened. The directress of the personal unit who was formerly in love with me stopped greeting me and it had also other effects. For instance, I used to go with a colleague to inspections. Even before I used to receive lower fee than him but ever since this event I got nothing at all. And when I asked why, they told me: ‘Zdeněk has a family.’”

  • “You joined the party to bring about a change. Did you succeed?” – “No, I didn’t. Already at the time of my candidacy for membership I found out that I was but a makeweight. There were no Party meetings in the firm and since there was no plenary, one couldn’t voice their opinions. The district office simply sent in instructions and the management applied those for the operation of the factory, asking nobody. For me, this was serious disillusionment but there was no way back. Had I left the party, I would have made myself untrustworthy and lost any chance for career rise. I wouldn’t have been accepted to the university after seven years and, following graduation, I wouldn’t have gotten to federal state administration.”

  • “What was your relation to the Communist Party?” – “I didn’t like it because at the time of the Prague Spring and then again after 21 August 1968 we got to learn many things which had been hidden from us. Based on this information, many of us got the impression that a lot of the party members are gangsters and evil people. I wouldn’t have had applied for membership at all had the party not had a leading role in managing the state. I was naïve to think that if I join I would have an opportunity to influence things for the better.”

  • Full recordings
  • 1

    Praha, 27.05.2016

    duration: 02:12:24
  • 2

    Praha, 19.09.2016

    duration: 48:03
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They say I ended up alone because I’m selfish

František Bloudek (1967)
František Bloudek (1967)

František Bloudek was born on 4 September 1947 in Otvice. Following graduation at an agricultural high school, in 1967 he was admitted to the University of Agriculture in Prague. At the time of František’s studies his father passed away and he had to return home and take care of his younger brother Karel as their mother couldn’t manage. Soon after she found a new partner, left her children and cut off all contacts with them. František was only able to resume his studies seven years later when his brother became fully self-reliant. As a fresh graduate he found a job in the Committee of Public Control. Due to his homosexual orientation he experienced bullying both in private life, in his place of residence and in workplace. In the end, it went so far as to force František Bloudek to transfer to the Administration of Federal Material Reserves. After the breakup of Czechoslovakia he worked as a sales representative of various firms and agencies. As a 52-year-old he was diagnosed with a burnout syndrome and underwent treatment. Up until retirement he then worked in a hypermarket warehouse.