Bc. Jiří Vondráček

* 1956

  • „I considered them a party that stood some sort of moral ground. With which I can align my personal stance. Not that I would the Civic forum… I was not involved there and then they contacted me and I had my views. For me, it was acceptable without any knowledge of the history of the Christian Democrats in Havlíčkův Brod. I knew that they had some sort of centre in Horní ulice [Upper Street], which they, when the Youth Centre was built, there where the Scouts' centre is now, which they lost because the building stood somewhere over there. At the beginning, I asked what they wanted from me. And I never really found out but they told me that they were content with my work. That was all. So… not that I could tell you something about the party politics and positions I should defend – nothing of this sort happened. I simply used my common sense and did my job with my best conscience. Nobody hammered any party doctrine in my head. They would not be able to force me anyway.”

  • "From those times when I was 12 or 13, I remember the 1968. It was a really strong experience. Parents did not want us to go anywhere at all. But I remember how mom ran across the ... and she went home and said 'Boys, war broke out!' And I, being twelve, said 'And who on Earth would attack us?' And she said: 'Russians.' And I replied: 'That's weird.' Because one was formed by the society even at twelwe, I could not grasp that the Russians attacked us, the Soviet Union. And that was possibly the moment when I started to follow the political and social events. Or maybe it was [at least] done subconsciously. [There is] one more memory: whem my father met his brother in Ledec nad Sazavou and they talked about it. As a boy, I listened to them. And my father said: 'You know, it's good but the Russians won't let go.'"

  • "I kept wondering what Russia is like, what the foreign countries are like and such things - and where is the truth? And my first journey abroad - it was our honeymoon - was to Russia. We went there with the Čedok travel agency. We went to the Caucasus Mountains and I got a clearer picture about a few of those surprising things. For example: Pig in harness or a biker in a tankist helmet. At the airport, the bus stupped abruptly and there, just next to the airport, a pig ran across the road. [není rozumět = viz text ] Fights for coffee. On the reverse, beautiful nature in the Caucasus. Then we flew to Sukhumi and there were some of those things I talked about. So I got some idea. When we had a layover in Kiyv, there we re those blocks of apartments with inner courtyards with tiled walls. When we looked in the courtyard, there were little sheds to store firewood from which antennas were sticking out. The windows had newspapers pasted over the glass. I know that it's been a long time since but I got my idea about that."

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    Havlíčkův Brod, 22.08.2019

    duration: 01:34:46
    media recorded in project Příběhy 20. století TV
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Jiří Vondráček se narodil 12. září 1956 v Ledči nad Sázavou. Svůj život spojil s Havlíčkovým Brodem. Vyrůstal v křesťansky založené rodině. Jeho otec byl úředníkem Státní banky. Koncem šedesátých let chodil do Skauta, do oddílu Trojka. Jako malý chlapec zažil v Havlíčkově Brodě okupaci vojsky Varšavské smlouvy. Po střední škole narukoval na vojnu do Kladna. Na vysokou školu nebyl přijat a nastoupil do podniku Zetor. V roce 1979 se oženil, s manželkou absolvovali svatební cestu na Kavkaz v tehdejším Sovětském svazu. Po roce 1989 byl za Československou stranu lidovou zvolen do městského zastupitelstva v Havlíčkově Brodě, kde měl v gesci bydlení a sociální služby. Jistou dobu byl také ředitelem oblastní Charity v Havlíčkově Brodě a poté se vrátil na radnici. Opakovaně byl zvolen do zastupitelstva kraje Vysočina (dříve Jihlavský kraj) a působil také na krajském úřadu. V době natáčení rozhovoru (2019) je již třetím rokem ředitelem domova pro seniory Stříbrné terasy v Jihlavě.