Nicolae Purcărea

* 1923

  • In our cell this was the most common beating. But they also forced you to scrape the floor, to sit on one leg for hours, to make genuflexions, so jump like a frog, to carry heavy bags or another student on your back… At a certain point everybody had to jump on you and you choked at the bottom. They used all kinds of torture methods. Their methods were meant to cause physical pain, but also a psychological one, because the two went hand in hand. The humiliation was just as terrifying and painful, if not even more than the physical pain. The latter passed in a couple of days, if they stopped hitting you, but the humiliation lingered, it heaped in your soul until your head was ready to burst with pain…

  • We asked ourselves: we were so ugly, so hideous, so deformed, so disfigured, that even Quasimodo seemed prettier. Without teeth, with a swollen eye, with a fractured jaw… We were so ugly that we thought we each had a mask on our face, as we didn’t resemble to what we once looked like. It was like we all had a hideous carnival mask. And even though time passed, other beatings came with it. For instance, if they slapped you on the face, you had to change your „mask” again. You would leave your teeth wherever… Your tongue was burnt, your lips as well, because they made you eat like a pig: they put the kettle on the floor and you had to lick it, even if the so called soup was hot. They didn’t care what you had it the kettle – you had to clean it. And the kettle became a universal instrument: you would eat off of it, you would wash your clothes in it, you would use it for other things… (physiological necessities – n.n.) But you had to eat everything that was in it.

  • The most degrading blasphemies... They talked about our Saviour as if He was human and they mocked at Him. They talked about Virgin Mary as if she was an ordinary woman and they mocked at her. The communion and everything else were also transformed... They forced the “priests” to feed us faeces on a spoon and urine instead of wine... And then they sculpted a big phallus that we had to kiss crawling on our knees. Of course, they sang all kinds of religious songs with the lyrics transformed: instead of the Lamentations on Good Friday Evening, they invented all sorts of parodies that we had to sing and listen to. And this question always arose: “Do you still believe in God?” Because for them, our belief in God was what kept us from transforming.

  • Full recordings
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    Brasov, Romania, 20.07.2010

    duration: 38:11
    media recorded in project Fenomenul Pitesti
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Dumnezeu era pentru ei opreliştea care nu ne lăsa pe noi să ne transformăm.

Nicolae Purcărea as a pupil (2)
Nicolae Purcărea as a pupil (2)
photo: Arhiva Centrului de Studii în Istorie Contemporană

Nicolae Purcărea s-a născut la 13 decembrie 1923 în Braşov. A fost arestat de trei ori: în 1942, martie 1945 şi 1 iunie 1949. Ştiindu-se urmărit, s-a ascuns de Securitate şi a fost membru într-un grup de rezistenţă armată din munţi. A fost condamnat la 7 ani de închisoare şi a fost închis la Craiova, Piteşti, Poarta Albă, Peninsula, Jilava, Gherla, Codlea. După eliberarea din 29 mai 1956 a primit domiciliu obligatoriu într-un sat din Câmpia Bărăganului. De acolo a fost iar arestat pe 12 septembrie 1958 şi a fost închis până pe 29 iulie 1964. A fost una dintre victimele „fenomenului Piteşti”. A învăţat să sculpteze în închisoare şi în prezent este sculptor tradiţional în lemn.