Petr Vránek

* 1953

  • "He was staring into my ID and said: ,Vránek, you are the correspondent. You did not have to complain everywhere. Now we look like arsholes.' And I said: ,How about arsholes?' – ,Free Evrope talked about it. The voice of America did too. And you come here for your stuff two days later. I only rent my office here.' And I pulled out the passport and said: ,I just came from the Soviet union.' Well man, he got pale as if he´d had an ice cold shower. Then he got on phone, but the first shock... Only now we know that there was the KGB behind the secret police."

  • "They came and said: ,Look now you have to be obliged, like a socialistic work brigade, that you´d do a kind of improvement. Electricians, lock smiths, a digger.' And I replied: ,And what´s going on?' – ,This is none of your business.' Well man, I got so angry that I file three improvement suggestions. And as I submitted them, they had to write all the diggers from all over the Czechia and even Slovakia, where these ,K‘ were, whether yes or no."

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    Dobřichovice, 10.05.2016

    duration: 02:04:37
    media recorded in project Stories of 20th Century
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Art is to celebrate, not to serve anyone, even more the amateur kind

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Petr Vránek
photo: archiv P. Vránka / současné foto J. Zvoníček

Petr Vránek was born on 5 August, 1953. He spent his childhood in Teplice. He refused to join the Pioneer movement and during occupation in 1968 wrote slogans on walls such as: „Wake up, Lenin, Brežněv got mad”, following which he was expelled from school. He apprenticed a glass maker, but worked as a miner for a large part of his life. He painted and organised illegal flat exhibitions. Was interrogated many times by the secret police. Regularly participated in the meeting of a literary club called the Tomb of Olga Havlová. Often he visited also Hrádeček. He is a tramp and a climber.