Rolando Tudela Irivar

* 1972

  • “Everything becomes more expensive, when there is abundance, prices decrease, but when there is an economic crisis, prices increase. The Government needs to buy everything abroad, as they are buying, they have always bought for us, we only consume. We are a consumer country; we are not an important producer or exporter. We are a third world country economically, but mainly maintained by the Government. What is happening now? The trade balance phrase is used by the Ministers of Economics, and Vice Ministers, and all these Finance Ministers, they use many technicalities that many times there are people who have called them and told them: ‘I do not understand all the technicalities, all the phrases, what are you trying to tell us?’ So, they use this concept, to manipulate with these technicalities, which in the end are ambiguous. Representatives and delegates do understand, but people do not understand, the Government wants people not to understand what is happening in the country.”

  • “After we visited our injured friend, an opponent of the communist regime in a hospital, we went to the Revolution Square [Plaza de la Revolución] in Caimanera, it was about eight in the evening. There happened something, that I had never seen in my life. It was the first time when the Special Military Troops were used against pacific demonstration. These men wore anti-riot helmets, they carried cob rifles, practical bullets, the only thing they lacked was the riot shield, the only thing they lacked. They blocked our way with several cars of the Special Troops. Anti-riot car, a car of men dressed in civilian clothes from the State Security and a car that brought people from the Young Communists Party, who are trained for this type of operations as well.”

  • “In Cuba, the workers should denounce to the ‘CTS’ [The Central of Workers in Cuba, Central de Trabajadores de Cuba], the ‘CTS’ is an organization that supposedly defends labor rights of workers in Cuba. But in the end, everything is just an illusion to support directors and representatives of the communist Government more than the trade unionists or the workers. So, the ‘CUTS’ [Unitary Council of Cuban Workers, Consejo Unitario de Trabajadores de Cuba] is entrusted by the International Labor Organization to capture all these complaints and all these violations and publish them in the annual reports of the International Labor Organization. These reports were long, because there gathered data from several categories, divided by great number of sectors. These sectors were, for example, demographics, labor sector, education sector, health, tourism or youth sector.”

  • “I was also imprisoned, last six months of my military service I passed in prison. Because they accused me of stealing boots, that few soldiers had stolen, not me. But at the end, they sanctioned me, because I had – well previously I had accepted a pair of boots and watch. My dad worked in the United States of America, when he traveled to the United States, he brought me that watch. So, they imprisoned me for six months, instead of paying a fine, I was imprisoned, during my army training it should have been at most for three months, but they condemned me for six months. During the trial, my lawyer said to me, that it was even worse than the case of the ‘Five Heroes’, each boy was instructed for stealing, their lawyers were imprisoned too. My lawyer was never allowed to see me, the lawyer told me that. I was never allowed to talk to my lawyer.”

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    Cuba, 12.12.2020

    duration: 01:22:34
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“We must attack the communist regime with its own weapons - documenting and reporting.”

Rolando Tudela Irivar was born in 1972 in Guantanamo, Cuba. As several of his relatives emigrated from Cuba, knowing the political and economic situation abroad, he has never favored the communist doctrine in his country. In 1993 he was forced to attend obligatory military service. He frequently struggled with discipline and obedience until he was imprisoned for an alleged robbery of shoes during the last six months of this service. When he left the military in 1995, he became a carpenter, work that he still does today. However, he does not have the State’s permission to do this work, so it is done illegally. In 2005 he joined the opposition group “Unitary Council of Cuban Workers” [Consejo Unitario de Trabajadores de Cuba], which denounces violations of labor rights in Cuba to the “International Labor Organization.” Rolando is one of the organization’s delegates and is constantly persecuted by State Security. In 2011, police persecutions culminated in the imprisonment of Rolando due to the fabricated crime of attempting to leave the country illegally. He was released from prison in 2013. He continues to report and denounce the labor exploitation and outrageous conditions of Cubans internationally. This has become the main objective of his life.