Jiří Suchý

* 1944

  • "The death march, when they had that ID card, everybody had their identification, and there it was: Return undesirable. Just these people weren't allowed to come back, and when it was getting close to the end of the war, they went on that death march, and he told me just a little bit about that, how the Gestapo man in front of him trampled his friend because he couldn't anymore. So they went with the last of their strength, luckily it turned out that the Americans came, they were actually liberating the area already, so they snitched on the boots and ran away. That saved them, otherwise they wouldn't have come back, because, it was 100%, there was no coming back for them. That was the only thing he said to me, and then he told me about this older friend who said to him, 'Karl, be careful, when you get somewhere where you're going to have more food, do it by starting the eggs raw first. Drink one or two raw eggs, or three, and then only follow that up with the diet, because you might get some kind of food poisoning, too.' And he was showing me how he did it, that he'd skewer the egg from the top and the bottom and he'd drink it. I was like, 'Please, I wouldn't do that.' And he was like, 'Look, that's what saved me from getting...' They walked, there were no trains or buses, so he got home to this Štěnovice Borek."

  • "They had 100 percent control, there was 100 percent control of the production of those parts, so those prisoners couldn't have any collusion among themselves, it was an unwritten law that those people could partially do some sabotage on their own, it had to be minimal because they would find out. So it happened that maybe somebody turned a part, but the prisoner himself did it. So it happened that they tried it afterwards, that the rockets fell, that they couldn't make a 100% check, it was impossible, there would have to be a German standing by each one, watching the drawing to see if it was done exactly like that. Well, that's what he told me. I asked him about the sanitary conditions and he said, 'You don't even want to know what it was like,' because they were sleeping on bunk beds, working twelve hours, twelve hours off, but they were locked inside, they didn't know what the sun looked like. And I said, 'How did you go to the toilets?' He said, 'There was this trough, you went to the toilet there, it was flowing somewhere and then they took it out in some barrels, we didn't get anywhere.' There was just a closed cycle that they went through, I don't know more, that's all he told me, otherwise how he felt in there, if there was..., I didn't find out from him."

  • "They shot a motorbike [the Revolutionary Guards disabled a German soldier on the retreat], they didn't have time to clean it up, so they threw it in the ditch. They arrived at the crossroads, they didn't know where to go because they didn't have the regulovians there. So immediately to the mayor, if they didn't hand over the murderers of the clutch, they would flatten Mirošov. My dad was coming from work on his bicycle, he said: 'I came down to the sawmill and they told me, don't go anywhere, they already have cannons there, and that they're going to raze Mirošov to the ground.' He had his wife and me there, I was still a kid, so he went. He said, 'I'm going and there are Germans at the crossroads, machine guns pointed at me, I didn't think they could shoot me.' They let him pass and he was looking for us, my mother was in the woods with me. My mother took a loaf of bread, some milk and they ran into the woods, the whole Mirošov was outside. And meanwhile they were negotiating with the mayor what they were going to do, and somebody remembered that the Americans were already in Újezd - there was a demarcation line - so somebody drove to Újezd, and there were Americans. So these officers came and they went to the mayor, the Germans wanted to enter the American zone by themselves, so they negotiated with them. They said, 'Okay, we'll take the mayor hostage, let the whole column pass, if something happens, we'll do it.' So they took the mayor hostage, the column passed, then they let him go, and that's how Mirošov was saved."

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    Rokycany, 13.09.2023

    duration: 01:19:48
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The brother-in-law was persecuted by both totalitarian regimes, he did not even live to see the restitution

Jiří Suchý at the end of the 1940s
Jiří Suchý at the end of the 1940s
photo: Archive of the witness

Jiří Suchý was born on 18 May 1944 in Mirošov. From his parents he absorbed information about the course of the war in Podbrdsko and the liberation on the demarcation line. He recalled, for example, the dramatic event when the retreating German army wanted to blow up Mirošov. There was also a Nazi disciplinary camp in Mirošov during the occupation, and after the war, according to the witness, it was a home for Germans unable to be removed. From the story of his older sister Emilia Urbanová, the witness learned about the massacre of German soldiers at the Mirošov castle. Jiří Suchý trained in two trades and completed his secondary education, then spent his entire working life in the metalworks in Rokytnice, where he was also on the night shift on 21 August 1968. Shortly after the occupation by Warsaw Pact troops, he married and started a family. As a young man, he was struck by the story of his brother-in-law Karel Urban, who joined the anti-Nazi resistance and was imprisoned in several concentration camps. After 1989, he tried to help his nephew with the running of the farm returned in restitution. At the time of filming in 2023, Jiří Suchý was retired and tending to the house and garden.