I was a rebellious saboteur for the censors

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Jana Štroblová was born on July 1, 1936, in Prague. She read Czech and Russian at the Faculty of Arts, Charles University. In 1960 she started working as a editor in the National Publisher of Children’s Literature. She was the editor of the Veronika edition. After ten years she lost her job due to political reasons, as she was the author of a number of poems and texts that the socialist censors considered hostile towards the regime. She made her living as a translator and she published her translations under names of other people and pen-names. From 1991 she worked in the Czechoslovak Radio and worked with the Prague office of Radio Free Europe. In 1991 she contributed to the renewal of the PEN club and foundation of the society Writers for Animal Rights. She has written and published fourteen books of poetry, many translations from foreign literatures, concertina books and books for children.