„Potom je přemístili směrem od Turína na sever do města Ciriè. Tam navazovali naši čeští kněží kontakt s partyzány z Il Garibaldino, il partigiano. Navazovali spojení a doručovali důležité dokumenty a dopisy, i nám, a navázali to spojení s italskými partyzány, že můžou přeběhnout a můžou po jejich boku bojovat proti nacistům. I tak se stalo. Právě v tom Ciriè po domluvě došlo k velké přestřelce, po silnici stříleli prtyzáni zz kulometů a naši vojáci, asi stovka pod vedením majora Moťky utíkali těmi příkopy a než utekli, postříleli všelijaké psy a kočky a krví ty strážnice potříštili, aby Němci měli dojem, že utekli nebo že tam byli partyzány po velkém boji odvlečeni."
„Já jsem prodělal během tatínkovy nepřítomnosti operaci. Vážnou operaci s nohou. Mohl jsem o ni přijít. A pan doktor Bambuch z Vizovic mne operoval a zachránil mě. Tatínek to věděl. A on byl tak šťastný, že mě vidí, tak mě objímal říkal mi : ,Vládíčku.' Já jsem byl šťastný, že tatínka vidím v tom battledresu. On tam přijel v těžkém džípu, v té patnáctce a nás naložili a odvezli nás do toho Týnce, kde jsme byli potom na prázdniny.
„Pamatuji, jak tatínek, to bylo začátkem května, jak se připravovali a potom na nádraží měli připravené ty vagony s tím, co potřebovali a my jsme ho doprovázeli do kasáren a přišli jsme v Lipníku až ke kostelu a tam v parku u kostela tatínek řekl: ,Dál už se mnou nechoďte,snad ta kulka tam není pro mne ulitá.' Tak se to stalo. A tatínek potom odešel do kasáren a my jsme potom přišli na nádraží a viděli jsme ten vlak, jak se rozjížděl a jel směrem na Prahu, Domažlice, Furth im Wald, Brenner, Trento, Milano, Torino do Savigliana, jižně od Turína. Tam měli za úkol střežit tu trať."
"The next day, on 16th March, when I woke up and curious as I always was, I looked out and over a ridge-like borderline of the Smetana Park, right in front of our windows, there was a huge bunch of smoke above the trees and that was the smoke from the Olomouc synagogue burning. The synagogue was practically new and beautifully decorated. It was its cupola and other parts that were set on fire by the Olomouc Nazi supporters. So called Olomouc Nazis. Then the synagogue had to be torn down by our people, the Czechs. I remember the place very well. I used to walk past it every day with my parents or my mother on the way to town. "
"As we were sledging, it was morning about 10 o clock, it was freezing, there was snow and frost and we were watching a freight train arriving at a side track into the Lipník nad Bečvou station. They were boxcars normally used for transporting coal but in these wagons was no coal but people! We couldn´t believe it so we came down from the slope towards the train. There we saw a platform in the middle of the train where the Nazi soldiers had put up a tent and in both directions there were heavy machine-guns. People in those cars were bundled up in blankets, rags, coats. They were prisoners transported from the concentration camp Auschwitz. They walked for a while, then were loaded onto the train and transported in the direction of Germany. When we came closer, they gestured to us to make snowballs and throw them. But then as it was powder snow we threw at least some ice crust lying on the snow. And they kept catching it although it was winter, were crunching it, the snow, because they were thirsty."
It was interesting that when passenger trains were arriving and a passenger train stopped alongside the transport, when people saw it, they started to throw their snacks, bread, rolls so they could make hard lives of these people, many of whom didn´t survive, a little bit easier. And I heard that in the last wagon the transported prisoners were all dead. So, this was the second world war, the terrible time. And I haven´t forgotten this in all my life and it had an influence on how my life was formed and on my relationship to people.
Vladimír Měřínský was born on 23rd September 1934 at Přísnotice near Brno. His parents came from families of farmers. His father Jan served in the Czechoslovak Army as an armourer. After the Nazi occupation of the country, the Army was dissolved. The father joined the so-called Government Army which was later transferred to Northern Italy. The father was among those who joined the Italian partisans there. He was active in the anti-Nazi resistant movement in Italy and France. After the war he was awarded a number of medals. During the Communist purges in 1958 he was dismissed and had difficulties to find a job. His son Vladimír worked most of his life as a school teacher. After 1969 he was persecuted, could not teach history a be a class teacher. Afer 1989 he worked in education in managerial positions. Vladimír Měřínský died on 25th September 2022
Wedding photo of Jan and Františka Měřínských, next to Jan is his mother Marie, next to her bridegroom´s brother František with his wife Růžena, Přísnotice 1934
Wedding photo of Jan and Františka Měřínských, next to Jan is his mother Marie, next to her bridegroom´s brother František with his wife Růžena, Přísnotice 1934