Josef Kulman

* 1932  †︎ unknown

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having to leave I perceived it a tragedy in 1961

Josef Kulman as a child
Josef Kulman as a child
photo: archiv pamětníka

Josef Kulman was born on March 11, 1932 in Mšeno. He grew up in a self-employed family, his father owned a mill, a sawmill and a bakery. Thanks to the family business, they were able to secretly help the needy during the war and ground flour illegally. Josef’s father died during the war years, Josef had to spend the rest of the war only with his mother, who was not afraid even after her husband’s death and secretly helped the guerrillas. After the communist coup, the family lost all its property. Josef graduated from the Faculty of Education and started teaching at a primary school. However, he had to leave his home Mšeno at the beginning of his pedagogical career in 1961. He remained with the teachers, worked in Mělník and returned to Mšeno shortly before the Velvet Revolution. As part of post-revolutionary restitutions, the family received a confiscated mill.