Witness to the death of František Faktor

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Robert Kramann was born on 31 July 1945 in the village of Henrichs near Weitra in Austria close to the Czechoslovak border. His father came from nearby České Velenice, but he went to work for a national railway company in Gmünd. His mother came from a farm in Heinrichs. After the end of the Second World War, the family was transferred but his grandfather refused to leave for Austria, he stayed in České Velenice and he never saw his son or grandson again. After the death of Robert´s mother, his father got married again to her sister, and together they raised five children. Robert studied to become a confectioner, when he was twenty-three years old, he went into the police service, which he did until 2003, when he retired. As a police officer at the border police station in Gmünd, behind the Iron Curtain, he several times witnessed the border guards’ action against so-called intruders on the Czechoslovak border, in 1984 he was called to the case of the killed refugee František Faktor, and two years later he witnessed the inhuman treatment of Josef Kranner by Czechoslovak border guards. In 1969, his family gave initial refuge to his nephew Jiří Kudrna from Slaný, who emigrated with his entire family to Austria, and later moved to Augsburg, Germany.