Jiří Kašlík

* 1949

  • "My father had to supply the Germans with oil plants during Hitler's time, especially poppy seeds, as I read. One year he had a bigger yield from poppies, so he sold it illegally somewhere. Then it got further and a old lady revealed who it was from. Of course, the Germans condemned him for that and he was to go to prison. In 1944 he was convicted, he was to go to prison for about three months for the poppy seeds business. He kept asking for a postponement because they had a farm that they had to work. He succeeded once, then a second time. Then it kind of fizzled out, but he and his friend, who was also punished for it, he wasn't from the Příkazy, they said they'd better do their time before they got caught because they weren't allowed to stay home to farm anymore, they'd overdone it. So they voluntarily turned themselves in to the court and they were to go and serve time in some prison somewhere in Poland, on the North [Baltic] Sea. So they got in, they were taken there by train, and unfortunately they stayed there after that from January 1945 until June 1945. He entered voluntarily in January 1945, and he didn't come back until June 1945, because after the war, although they were released, the prison was liberated, but he had to walk from Poland. Because everything was broken, it took him six months, or four months, to walk all the way from the North [Baltic] Sea. He was struggling to get home, he had a few injuries - knees, joints, because he was helping somewhere to make a living in Poland. He didn't come back until six months later, in 1945."

  • "That night was already terrible, because on 20 August, when we went to bed for our bedtime, they woke us up at 11 o'clock at night, telling us that we had been attacked by the Russians, that we had to go and defend ourselves. Those of us who had submachine guns outside of guard duty only had blanks, we were shooting blanks on the training range. Of course, we learned to shoot with live ammunition, but we had to go to the shooting range. And on the training range, that was two big hills like that, we learned to dig and such stuff, but we had those blanks when we were shooting. They sent us to the armory that night and we were packing live ammunition into the machine guns, into the magazines. Two live magazines and now we had to line up on that 'meeting place', at that battalion, actually it was a bigger battalion. We stood there from midnight to one o'clock and the commanders still didn't know what was going on. Of course, we were ready to defend ourselves, because the battalion commander said, 'We're going to defend ourselves.' It was getting light around three-thirty and we were still standing there, not knowing what was going to happen. Suddenly we heard this noise from afar, and the tanks were coming. They were already there at four o'clock in the morning, at the west line. Well, now we saw, as it got a little bit lighter, that the tanks came up the two hills, there were about six of them. They lined up and pointed down at the barracks with those barrels and stopped and waited to see what would happen. And now all of a sudden, a jeep with a commander came down the tarmac road. He drove up to that battalion, met our battalion commander, and he said we must surrender then, that this was bullshit, that they were going to liberate us from what was going on here. The battalion commander, because he had forced us to defend ourselves and get live ammo, then he had to order us to disarm again, return it to the warehouse and something. That discussion went on until maybe five, six in the morning. Then we just saw something really wild going on, then we heard a shot and the battalion commander shot himself."

  • "Actually, they didn't have money because of the increased meat, milk and grain obligatory deliveries. They didn't meet them and had to pay fines. They didn't have the money to pay the fines because then somehow they miscalculated the money. They then somehow worked on their own, they could hardly make ends meet. Because most of the farmers had already entered, only a few were resisting, so they increased the deliveries, increased the deliveries, and for not paying the fines my father had to go to prison. So they gave him a month first, I don't know where it was. Then I remember that he got two and a half months (of prison) for a fine that he hadn't paid because of the non-deliveries, and he was sentenced to the prison in Předmostí near Přerov. I remember that my mother took us there, I was three years old and my brother was five. I remember that visit, that they were building a bricks factory there and we were able to come to the fence."

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    Olomouc, 13.11.2023

    duration: 02:32:16
    media recorded in project Stories of the region - Central Moravia
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My father was one of the farmers persecuted during the war and under communism

Jiří Kašlík at the military service, 1968, Tři Sekery near Mariánské Lázně
Jiří Kašlík at the military service, 1968, Tři Sekery near Mariánské Lázně
photo: Witness´s archive

Jiří Kašlík was born on 9 March 1949 in Příkazy to parents Jiřina and Josef Kašlík as the younger of two sons into an agricultural family. The family farm was confiscated after 1948 as part of collectivisation along with the property. The father had previously been sentenced to prison several times for failure to deliver. Both parents then worked for a cooperative farm in crop production. Jiří Kašlík trained as a machine fitter at Moravské železárny (Moravian Ironworks). In July 1968 he started compulsory military service at the Border Guard in Tři Sekery near Mariánské Lázně. He lived through the invasion of the Warsaw Pact troops during his receiving period. After the service he co-founded the band Asteor in Příkazy, in which he was active from 1970 to 1973. In 1974 he married Marcela Trnkalová from Ludéřov and they had two sons, Jiří (1975) and Daniel (1976). At that time he joined the Communist Party of Czechoslovakia, later he left the party. From 1974 to 1980 he worked in Sigma Lutín as a maintenance worker. He was active in the dance band of the cultural house of Sigma Lutín and later in the brass band. In 1980 he graduated from the evening school of economics and from 1980 to 1992 he worked at Oseva in Olomouc. With a friend he founded the band Profil, which was active for fourteen years. After his divorce, he returned to Příkazy at the end of the 1970s. His second marriage to Eva Stručková resulted in the birth of his daughter Tereza (1994). From 1992 to 2000 he worked as an economist for a private company in Příkazy, then went to the Financial Office in Olomouc, where he stayed until his retirement in 2011. In 2023 he was living in Příkazy.