Božena Jenšovská

* 1929

  • “In 1952 he escaped from prison. Along with another prisoner, but not a political, but a smuggler. So not all of them were political there. The prisoner worked in a locksmith’s workshop and smuggled files on the cell. They overlaid the grid and ran away. Some were caught and others not. The smuggler hurt his leg so he got caught, but they never found my brother.“

  • "In Ilava he went through the woods all the way to Trnava. He asked a local lady who cut the grass to give him a pen, an envelope, and a postmark. He wrote a letter to the landlady, where we lived. She was our good friend. In the letter he asked someone to come to Trnava for him and bring him clothes, food, tickets, money, shins. The lady wanted to go, but I said not. Something could have happened and we did not want another family to be affected. So it was me, who went. "

  • “Let me get back to his imprisonment in Prague. When the trial took place, they let me and a wife of another prisoner to talk to the judged ones. I asked Vláda, how he was coping. He told me that during interrogation they put a 5kilogram weight on his genitals. In the hallway after the interrogation he saw his friend, Dáša Zuklínová, who was so badly beaten up it made him cry.”

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    Praha 4 - Kunratice, 18.04.2017

    duration: 01:19:08
    media recorded in project Stories of 20th Century
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The brother has become an outlaw and we never found peace in our souls.

Bozena Jensovska
Bozena Jensovska
photo: archiv pamětnice

Božena Jenšovská, née Strolená, was born on 28th July, 1929 in Knínice near Boskovice to a butchers´ family and had a year and a half older brother Vladimír. At the beginning of 1931, the family moved to Prague to the proletarian district of Žižkov, where the father set up small butchers. Mom stayed at home. In 1949 Vladimír Strolený attended a political meeting at the Faculty of Law, for which he was excluded from the studies along with other signatories. He studied high technical school. One year later got arrested by the state police, and during a political process he was first sentenced to death and later to 25 years in jail. As a result his sister Božena got expelled from the College of Chemistry and Technology. However, she got accepted to the Charles University to study at the Faculty of Physics. In 1952 Vladimir managed to escape from the Ilava prison in Slovakia, where his sister Božena brought him stuff to survive. He hid at his Prague friends. His family, despite being persecuted by the state police, was able to obtain false documents and a group in the borderland, where he worked under a false identity and waited for the opportunity to cross the border. The family only heard of him in 1958 from Munich. He stayed in Germany, where he worked as a freelance editor of the Free Europe until retirement. He died in Germany in 2015.