Ladislav Jakub

* 1948  †︎ 2021

  • „Vojáci základní služby, ti to brali s rezervou, ti to brali jako nucenou vojnu, vojáci z povolání už se začali projevovat jako kovaní komunisti a veřejně začali říkat, že je to všechno správné, že přišli, aby se udělal pořádek. A když jsme se jich zeptali: ,A jakej pořádek? Vysvětlete mně, jakej pořádek! Akorát vy že jste nás učili, Sovětský svaz náš osvoboditel, Hitler že je zrůda, a teď de facto vidím rudýho Hitlera.‘“ "The soldiers of the basic service, they took it with a grain of salt, they took it as a forced military service, professional soldiers began to show themselves as forged communists and began to say publicly that it was all right that they had come to bring order. And when we asked them, 'And what order? Explain to me what order! The only thing that you taught us, the Soviet Union our liberator, that Hitler is a monster, and now I de facto see the red Hitler.'”

  • "In the spring of the seventies, there were party clearances. There were party clearances, where the most forged communists would be, it was a trio of officers, among them was the regimental political officer. They conducted party clearances. Well, I was summoned too. So I told them what I was telling you: 'Don't tell me a1nything about the Soviet Union here, they are fascists, Brezhnev is Hitler and they are all criminals. In this state, I do not even want to be in the party at all. I wanted to return the party book to you a long time ago and you wouldn’t take it back,” I said. "Here you have it!" So I slammed the book on the table and said, "In this situation, I don't want anything to do with this army here!"

  • "The comrades were wrong, I guess, I don't know, they ordered toilet paper from Austria. He came to Olomouc, Nová ulice, it was a four-axle - these are the four-axle large food trucks. It was packed with toilet paper from Austria. You know, beautiful packaging. And where do you think it was? Comrade deputy, it slowly didn't even go to the shops anymore, but it all went to the comrades. To the district committee KSČ, the city committee of the party, to the town hall and to these organizations."

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    Olomouc, 03.09.2020

    duration: 01:45:11
    media recorded in project Stories of the region - Central Moravia
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I said that Brezhnev was the red Hitler. And that was that

Ladislav Jakub at military school
Ladislav Jakub at military school
photo: Witness' archive

Ladislav Jakub was born on October 12 1948 in Drahanovice near Olomouc. Because his father Bohumil did not hide his resistance to the regime, he was not allowed to go to high school. He trained as a locksmith and then began a two-year study as a tank technician at a military school in Vyškov. During the Prague Spring of 1968, he joined the Communist Party. He experienced the August invasion of Warsaw Pact troops as a soldier in the occupied barracks in Přáslavice near Olomouc. Due to disapproval of the entry of foreign troops, he was demoted from captain to soldier and had to leave the army. He handed over the party book himself. In the years of normalization, he worked in manual occupations. Died at 27th December 2021.