For his honesty and love of his craft, the court revoked his probation

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Kamil Hromádka was born on 14 June 1937 in the village of Cejle near Jihlava into a landowner family with a large farm as the youngest of seven children. The family survived the war unscathed, but the communists nationalized the farm. In 1952, he was unable to study painting, so he started studying to be a reproductive sculptor in Černá Voda. The school was moving, so he finished it in Hořice. After school, he completed his military service in Boží Dar and Košice, and in 1962 he married Helena Krejčová. They settled in Skuteč and had a daughter and a son. In 1966, he set up his own business. After the invasion of the Warsaw Pact troops, he wrote a letter of protest to the then national newspaper Práce. In 1971, he started teaching at the Secondary Industrial School of Stonemasonry in Hořice. In 1973 he was arrested by the police and charged with illegal business. In 1975 he was given a five-year suspended sentence, but he appealed and the regional court acquitted him. He collaborated with Josef Vajc, Jiří Marek, Stanislav Hanzlík and Vladislav Gajda. He brought his son to sculpture and in 1985 he went to work for the first time in Germany, where he returned after the Velvet Revolution. In 1992, he and his son founded the thriving stone company ART STONE Hromádka & syn. In 2021 he lived, sculpted and painted in Hořice.