Kamil Hromádka

* 1937

  • "I was suddenly stopped by the police on the street as I was riding my bike home from school. So they took me to the police station in Hořice, where they asked me questions and so on, and in the meantime they searched my house, the prefab house that I built in seventy-two, seventy-three. My wife had this little boy in her arms and she slowly broke down, what was going on. What´s the job of your husband? Where's his room?' And so on. So they went in there, took out all the documents that I had on the shelf, the customers, the addresses, the money that was registered, and so on. Well, among them was also just a copy of that letter Protest Against the Occupation of the Troops."

  • "The whole school was moving from Prostějov to the newly built aviation school in Košice and they wanted to take the statue of the pilot with them. Unfortunately, they broke it and it fell on the ground. They needed someone to put it back together, so the army turned to the Art Association. The association for the army was in Vitkov and there was a major Hejduk, an academic sculptor who graduated from our school in Hořice and was a classmate of my professor Kalfus, and he was approached to see if any of our graduates were in the army. He told him that it was Hromádka and he was serving there and there. So the order came for me to pack my bags, and I was taken to Košice, to the aviation school, where I reconstructed the statue and made half of it new. So I spent three months there and the military service was great."

  • "Someone was banging on our pub door last night. Dad went to open the door and there were Red Army officers standing in front of him. He invited them in, discussed what he could do for them, and they said they would like to camp here and rest. So my father made beer, gave them food, and it was slowly morning, dawn, and there were already carts and cars in the yard and in the meadows, and the soldiers were resting, lounging in the meadows and so on. And of course they were in our yard."

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    Pardubice, 17.11.2021

    duration: 02:29:08
    media recorded in project Stories of the 20th Century TV
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For his honesty and love of his craft, the court revoked his probation

Kamil Hromádka, 1991
Kamil Hromádka, 1991
photo: Archive of Kamil Hromádka

Kamil Hromádka was born on 14 June 1937 in the village of Cejle near Jihlava into a landowner family with a large farm as the youngest of seven children. The family survived the war unscathed, but the communists nationalized the farm. In 1952, he was unable to study painting, so he started studying to be a reproductive sculptor in Černá Voda. The school was moving, so he finished it in Hořice. After school, he completed his military service in Boží Dar and Košice, and in 1962 he married Helena Krejčová. They settled in Skuteč and had a daughter and a son. In 1966, he set up his own business. After the invasion of the Warsaw Pact troops, he wrote a letter of protest to the then national newspaper Práce. In 1971, he started teaching at the Secondary Industrial School of Stonemasonry in Hořice. In 1973 he was arrested by the police and charged with illegal business. In 1975 he was given a five-year suspended sentence, but he appealed and the regional court acquitted him. He collaborated with Josef Vajc, Jiří Marek, Stanislav Hanzlík and Vladislav Gajda. He brought his son to sculpture and in 1985 he went to work for the first time in Germany, where he returned after the Velvet Revolution. In 1992, he and his son founded the thriving stone company ART STONE Hromádka & syn. In 2021 he lived, sculpted and painted in Hořice.