Jarmila Fricová, roz. Pálová

* 1929  †︎ unknown

  • Rudolph brought his father, sent his urn from Ilava, burned it, and sent the urn with the condition I read, Anicka showed me, "without any ceremonies and more people, the ashes must be stored in the narrowest circle of the family." Rudolf He did not know how to save the urn in the tomb. By chance, my mum appeared, called the grave, and saved the urn for his help. In the tomb beside Pala, his wife lies when Rudolf died, I do not remember exactly what year it was, but I can say that even at that time, Slaný cared how it was possible that somebody asked when he put Pala in the grave. There was a clerk in the cemetery and screamed as we wanted it,

  • Not even his wife wanted to take the mayor's office. He was more pressured to run the city and the factory was not easy, but his patriotism, everything for people and the city ... His decision, however, had hurt him a lot after the war, because he knew who was indicating the war. During the war a lot of people saved, because he concealed the statement, but ...

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    v bytě pamětnice, Slaný, 22.05.2017

    duration: 22:34
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Jarmila Fricová, roz. Pálová
Jarmila Fricová, roz. Pálová
photo: archiv pamětníka

Jarmila Fricová, roz. Pálová was born on 26 September 1929 in Slaný. She taught a lady tailor and studied the pedagogical minimum to teach apprentices. She was employed in the Apparel Industry in Slaný.In his memoirs, he focuses on the narrative about the life and fate of his uncle, owner and founder of the Palladium Salon factory. Jan Jaroslav Pála, after the death of his parents, took up the education of his siblings Otylie and father of Mrs. Fric Ota.