I have never forgotten the bravery of my parents

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Eliška Dusilová, née Bartoňová, was born in Pardubice on July 10, 1931 to paediatrician Josef Bartoň. She remembers meeting paratroopers from the group Silver A, whom her father was sheltering. She witnessed the Gestapo storming into her family’s home on June 20, 1942 and arresting both her parents. The Germans left her and her brother, but ordered them to stay in Pardubice. Shocked, the children wandered the streets, and were found by a maid that worked for one of their parents’ acquaintances. She took them to her house. Eliska’s father, Josef Bartoň, was executed in Pardubice on July 2, 1942, and their mother later died in Auschwitz. Eliška and her brother were taken in and raised by a woman from the neighbourhood. When they became adults, they moved to Prague and survived on their orphans’ allowance and part-time salary. Eliška graduated from the pedagogical faculty and worked as an elementary science teacher for the rest of life. She often faced problems at work for her repeated refusal to join the Communist Party.