Přemysl Dostalík

* 1935

  • "Through Radslavice, the place I was born, the Germans were rushing towards Pavlovice, Lipník and somewhere towards Ostrava or in that direction. They were retreating. What was interesting about it was that the columns that were moving or retreating had a complete provision of livestock for the soldiers soldiers to eat, including poultry and cattle. They all passed through Radslavice and through other villages, towards Lipník and through the Moravian Gate. Of course there were soldiers who rode on bicycles. They had those light road [bicycles] and carts. On them soldiers with machine guns, well armed with field guns, pistols, bayonets, etc., rifles, were riding."

  • "This eight-engined Messerschmitt bomber would fly over us. You could see the people in the plane, the doors were open. It was this new bomber, an eight-engined bomber, it was called the Gigant. The soldiers from the plane waved at us and threw us a box of chocolate. It burst open, so we boys were fighting over it."

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    Pavlovice u Přerova, 20.04.2023

    duration: 01:23:35
    media recorded in project Stories of the region - Central Moravia
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When Russian soldiers told people “Give us some vodka!” they would give them water. So the Russians would pour it on their heads

Přemysl Dostalík in 2023
Přemysl Dostalík in 2023
photo: Post Bellum

Přemysl Dostalík was born on 29 April 1935 in Přerov, but he spent almost his entire life in the village of Radslavice, where his family owned a farm. His memories of the Second World War are mainly of the end of the war, when there was fierce fighting in Radslavice and its surroundings. His father was deployed in 1945 to dig trenches. He still remembers the retreating German convoys heading towards Lipník nad Bečvou. After finishing schools in Radslavice and in Přerov, he trained at the Meopta company, where he worked until his retirement. He completed his military service with the Border Guard in Vejprty. All his life he devoted himself to cycling, he was a referee, coach and chairman of the District Cycling Association of Přerov district. In 2023 Přemysl Dostalík lived in Alfred Skene’s Retirement Home in Pavlovice near Přerov.