Where there’s honey, there’s bile; neither things nor heroes are one-sided

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Antonín Doležal was born on 20 January 1929 in Prague. During his studies at the Faculty of Medicine of Charles University from 1948 he functioned as a demonstrator, a research assistant at the Physiology Institute, a volunteer at the Pathology and Anatomy Institute, and the head of the Physiology Laboratory of the Mother and Child Institute in Prague-Podolí. He graduated in 1953 and was then employed as an assistant doctor at the Kladno hospital. He did a research degree in 1955-1958 and worked as an assistant professor in 1958-1975. He received a docent degree in 1975, the title of DrSc. in 1978, and became a Professor in 1983. His main focus was obstetrics; he was employed at and then headed the maternity ward in Prague 2 (Apolinář) for six decades. He is the author of numerous expert publications and also one novel, Pařížský porodník (The Paris Obstetrician). He lectured at his alma mater until 2014. He has received many awards, including the Hrdlička Medal, the Silver Medal of the Faculty of Natural Sciences, Pro meritis of the Czech Medical Society of J. E. Purkyně, the Silver Medal of Charles University, the Trapl Medal, the Medal of the Ministry of Health of the People’s Republic of China, etc. He is currently interested in hypnosis and works at the Faculty of Physical Education and Sport in Prague 6 and as an expert witness in the field of obstetrics. He and his wife live in Prague-Braník.