PhDr. Zlata Černá

* 1932

  • “I believe that there is something about Havel; probably a combination of social attitude and deep morals. Sometimes he reminded me of Náprstek. It may be an absurd analogy, but when Zeyer wrote the mourning speech on Náprstek, two personalities met; a deeply religious Zeyer and a somehow somehow proclamation atheistic Náprstek. And Zeyer wrote about him as a deeply moral and socially responsible spiritual man. I always told students that it's perfect portrait of a Confucianism in Czech culture - Náprstek from Zeyer. And on a more abstract level, he always reminded me of Havel. As he was a deeply moral and socially responsible spiritual man, who could name the issues, even if he was determined, because the word ´limited´is wrong - defined by Europeism that he did not consider any other options than social realization.”

  • “Soviets has experts in all important areas hence the cultural revolution, which began much later, only in 1966, again it was not written down, but I overhead a discussion as I was in Moscow at the time and a Soviet sinologist came back from his stay in China totally scared, so they called Soviet experts together, at the Pei Tan university to a stadium and the Chinese shouted at them and so on. The first thing they cancelled, was the Youth Union, which was totally occupied by the Soviet Union collaborates. It was almost its branch. The Chinese claimed that the Soviets had their experts even on regional level. So in my opinion it really was... it started with the cultural revolution, a quarrel. Probably it was the only way, how to set China on its own way and did not became a post-colonial country of an ancient empire. As the Soviet Union was not the peak of thinking and industry and science, only in certain areas. In the sense of a superpower, which could still teach us something new as was Amerika at the time, so it had not such position at all. So what I saw at the time, was an intention to part from the Soviet Union and stand on own feet, which was not easy as really they, directly Soviets, they chased away only in 1958. Physically they were chased away, but the pro-Soviet elements remained there. And those were liquidated very harshly until the cultural revolution. And I personally think that was one of the actual reasons of the cultural revolution, that they let the youth to break [whatever], and meanwhile they destroyed what they wanted. But please, it is a bit... I do not find it conspiratorial, but logical. Maybe I am the only one, who stresses out this side, and I take it more from the Chinese people as I listened what they said, how they reacted or how the Soviets reacted on the Chinese relation, so this is what I later concluded.”

  • Full recordings
  • 1

    Praha, byt pamětnice, 19.10.2016

    duration: 01:54:48
    media recorded in project Stories of 20th Century
  • 2

    U pamětnice doma, Praha 2, 04.04.2017

    duration: 01:00:41
    media recorded in project The Stories of Our Neigbours
  • 3

    V Praze , 14.04.2019

    duration: 01:00:37
    media recorded in project The Stories of Our Neigbours
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I wished to go to China, but was not of the approved origin

Mrs. Černá as a student
Mrs. Černá as a student
photo: Archív pamětnice

Zlata Černá, née Schwarzová, was born on 7 October, 1932 in Prague. Her father was intensely politically active person, but due to his direct character he could not stay in any party for very long. As a protester against capitulation he imigrated to Poland in 1939 and via France to the Great Britain. There he joined the anti-Beneš opposition, which did not agree with the exile president´s politics. Shortly after returning to the home land in 1946 he got arrested and died in prison. Young Zlata studied the gymnasium of Eliška Krásnohorská. When she made up her mind to study Chinese, she hit a seemingly unbreakable barrier of her father´s political profile. Following many peripteries she finally got to study her much desired field. As her study was successful, she got a chance to get to China. Due to cadre reasons the stay did not work out and she only got to China as a translator along with a high-school delegation after finishing university in 1958. Back then there was an opportunity to follow with a study program, which she got a scholarship but was called off due to political reasons. She worked in the Oriental collection of the National Gallery and later in the Oriental Institute ČSAV and in the Naprstek museum. After the velvet revolution in 1989 she gave external lectures at the philosophical faculty. Currently she acts as the head of the Czech-Chinese Association.