The occupiers’ submachine guns barked to the anthem on the radio. And driving school was over

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Josef Bajer was born on 28 March 1949. He lived with his parents in the village of Dolní Kalná in the Trutnov region. At fifteen, he entered the horticultural school, which he successfully completed in 1969. Already during his studies, he was interested in music and culture and attended the founding meeting of the Club of Kindred Spirits at the Semafor Theatre, which was later renamed the Jonáš Club. In the mid-1970s, he moved to Prague and became socially active. He regularly hosted evenings at the club, where he invited dozens of interesting guests during his tenure. In 1974, he began working at the Dutch embassy as a gardener. In his spare time, he devoted himself to the Jonáš Club and also became friends with the publicist Jiří Černý, whom he accompanied around the country to his famous anti-discotheques. Their friendship lasted a lifetime. After the Revolution, he worked, among other things, as a gardener at Hrádeček and also at the Havel villa on Dělostřelecká Street. In 2023, he lived with his wife in the village of Ždírnice in the Trutnov region.