Jan Aust

* 1922

  • "There were no toilets there. We used a bucket for the loo. There was one Jew who had to keep that bucket clean. Once he didn't clean it up properly and the commander smacked him in the face with a broom. He had to clean it up once more. The Jews received the worst treatment by far."

  • "They took us to Pískovice. But at that time it was called Sandovice. Today it is to be found in Poland near Opole. We were digging anti-tank trenches but because I spoke German, on the second day the commander transferred me to the wife of the forest ranger who had to go to war. His wife had a field and a cow and she needed a hand at the farmstead. The commander was probably her friend so he tried to help her out. I became a sort of her servant. I had a good living there and I didn't have to dig the trenches anymore."

  • "On the first night, I was at the square. There was a prison there. The next day, they handed me over to the Gestapo. They locked me up on the so-called 'robotárna' in (today's) Lidická Street. After they had transferred me on the day after my arrest, they put me in a prison room with boarded up windows. It was completely dark inside so I had to find the plank bed where I was supposed to sleep by touch. On the first day in that cell, we were served a single carrot for lunch. No meat. I didn't eat it as I was too scared and thus had no appetite."

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    Šumperk, 13.06.2013

    duration: 02:35:24
    media recorded in project Stories of 20th Century
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Being a Czech in German Šumperk

Young Jan Aust
Young Jan Aust
photo: archiv pamětníka

Jan Aust was born in 1922 in Hrabenov. However, he spent most of his life in nearby Šumperk (Mährisch Schönberg in German), where his parents moved when he was two years old. They became a part of the Czech community of Šumperk. In 1930, 3434 inhabitants of Šumperk claimed allegiance to the Czech nationality out of a total population of 15 718. After the Munich Agreement, the overwhelming majority of the Czech population left Šumperk and moved to the interior of the country. Those who stayed were subsequently subjected to a rigorous oversight of the new German administration. At the time, Jan Aust was studying at a Czech grammar school. However, the school was shut down by the Nazis and Jan had to serve an apprenticeship as a mechanic. One of the German apprentices denounced Jan to the police for his anti-German statements and Jan Aust was thus sentenced to nine months in prison in 1942. More sentences followed suit. He was allegedly imprisoned for three months just for having called a German girl a “German goose”. Right after the end of the war, he joined the revolutionary guard and was sent to Vernířovice (Wermsdorf in German), where he – among other things – was helping Soviet soldiers to seize the stashed-away weapons of the members of the Werwolf. After a few days, however, he left the revolutionary guard because he had been almost shot in an accident that involved the improper manipulation of a gun by a fellow guard. After this episode, he took up the job of a state caretaker in Šumperk responsible for the management of a delicatessen grocery store. After six months, his food shop was taken over by the north-Moravian consumer union and because he dissented with the takeover, he left the shop. He gradually went through a number of occupations and for the last 25 years before his retirement, he worked in construction. Jan recalls how his father – a former sole trader who as such had no entitlement to draw pension – lost his entire savings in a single day as a result of the monetary reform of 1953.  After 1990, Jan Aust served for a long time as the chairman of the district committee of the Czech Union of Freedom Fighters in Šumperk. Today, he still lives in Šumperk and he’s one of the last living pre-Munich Czech inhabitants of Šumperk.