The following text is not a historical study. It is a retelling of the witness’s life story based on the memories recorded in the interview. The story was processed by external collaborators of the Memory of Nations. In some cases, the short biography draws on documents made available by the Security Forces Archives, State District Archives, National Archives, or other institutions. These are used merely to complement the witness’s testimony. The referenced pages of such files are saved in the Documents section.

If you have objections or additions to the text, please contact the chief editor of the Memory of Nations. (

Rudolf Vévoda (* 1964)

Studentskou spojkou brněnsko-varšavské větve solidarity

  • narodil se v roce 1964 v Třebíči

  • vystudoval Fakultu filozofie Univerzity Jana Evangelisty Purkyně v Brně, obor český jazyk – dějepis

  • aktivity v rámci disentu a katolického disentu

  • činnost v rámci Česko-polské solidarity, cesty do Polska v letech 1985–1987

  • samizdatová literatura
