Memory And Art

The Theatre Institute

Our main goal is to make fully accessible a unique collection of memories that is the outcome of a project called “Memory and Art”. The realization of the project was made possible because of the close collaboration of two organizations – Post Bellum and the Institute of Art/Theater Institute (the testimonies of the witnesses were published as far as we were authorized by their written permission). We want to offer the broad lay and expert public an insight into the personal testimonies of the witnesses we interviewed. The interviewers who worked with the witnesses are renowned professionals involved in oral-history projects of Post Bellum. From a legal point of view, all the content – the stories, testimonies, photos, documents and other material – is shared equally by Post Bellum and the Institute of Art/Theater Institute. Both organizations are entitled to use the content for the purpose of producing documentaries, exhibitions, publications, conferences and other products as far as they don’t impair the dignity of the witnesses

Copyright description

Any user of the collection – a student, a researcher, a historian or anybody else who registers at and honors citation rules – may freely use the content for his own private research. If you intend to publicize content or use it for commercial purposes, you have to contact the owner of the rights at or When quoting, please state: "... from the collection “Memory and Art”, a joint project of Post Bellum and the Institute of Art/Theater Institute." Free for uncomercial exploitations, for students, researchers, journalists and other ... with quotation: "...Archive of the Post Bellum Association and The Theatre Institute Czech republic."